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Trouble Shooting

Go Program Out of Memory

Last week, during on duty, one user reported his program exited silently without any useful information during deployment, the process is aborted with a killed information:

[1]    90616 killed     ./bin/server

This is an intrigue question as why the program is killed by OOM killer instead of a fatal stack overflow error.

Tar Wrapped by Cli Tool Fails to Write

Our internal CLI tool will try to download a proto file by git achieve command, and then tar it to /usr/local/include. One user reported in his desktop tar cannot unzip file:

xxx.proto: Can't create 'xxx.proto'
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
ERROR fail to extract xxx.proto into '/usr/local/include/xxx.proto' 
via this script: 'tar -xf xxx.tar -C /usr/local/include'.