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System Concepts

Monitoring System Keynotes

This blog introduces some keynotes about the monitoring system, which is consisted by grafana, prometheus and so forth. In this blog, we focus on the outlines of them about the concepts and some internal details.

By the way, the blog share some interesting implementation details which are nice to know.

Tracing System Keynotes

This is a keynote blog about the tracing system, including the tracing platform, sdk, the whole work flow, and the problem it wants to solve. It's not a manual or a very detail page to introduce how tracing works.

User Process Management CLI

Generally, it's common to have a cli tool to manage the user processes, with respective commands to help start, stop, restart processes like systemctl. This blog records some experience building a CLI tool in Go to manage processes. Moreover, it lists some sceneries to make it work well as a PID 1 process.

Here are some summary items in this blog:

  • signal handling, wait system calls and process management
  • processes reaping as the init process
  • start, restart and exit handling